
Outsourcing services: R&D and prototypes, bridge-builder, consulting
New materials, Nano-technology and Life science – Synchroton and Neutron based techniques.
Science-SAVED transfers the research-generated technology to industrial partners.
Science-SAVED facilitates Industrial access to large-scale facilities
As an expert in research and development project management, Science-SAVED offers a full support to Industry in :
Helping for the choice of the best technique
Contacting scientists in research facilities or in laboratories
Managing teams for experiments fulfillment
Customising results analysis for industrial needs
Assisting engineers to a prototype

Scientific Data Analysis
Scientific data analysis – Experiment plans – Help to choose the best techniques

Non-Destructive Testing Analysis and Co
2D/3D imaging analysis, Scanning & Transmission Electron Microscopy, Atomic & Magnetic Force Microscopy, X-ray & Neutron analysis…

Material Physics
Ceramics, Semi-conductors, Superconductors, Metals

Microelectronics and Co
Microelectronics, MEMS, NEMS, Metallurgy, Mechanics, Fluid Mechanics

Instrumentation – Modelling
Scilab, Matlab, Mathematica, COMSOL, …

Medical Applications of Physics
Fluorescence imaging in transmission and in reflection, synchronisation of optical and electonic signals, …

2D/3D imaging analysis, Scanning & Transmission Electron Microscopy, Atomic & Magnetic Force Microscopy, X-ray & Neutron analysis…
Expert in scientific data analysis and in project management, Science-SAVED produces non-destructive testing in 2D/3D imaging, X-ray and Neutron analysis. Expertise in Material Physics, Microelectronics, MEMS, Metallurgy, Micro-Mechanics and Fluid Mechanics. Skilled in instrumentation, modelling and medical applications of physics.
Last News
Science-SAVED presented a talk at the day CEPAS “Ceramics for Aeronautics and Space” that took place the 18th of April 2024 in Bordeaux.
Celebrate the innovative advancements in ceramics and CMCs with Science-SAVED at the groundbreaking event “Ceramics for Aeronautics and Space” in Bordeaux. Join us as we showcase our cutting-edge technologies and contributions to the aerospace industry, setting new standards for the future of space exploration. #ScienceSaved #CeramicsInnovation
Science-SAVED presented its activities with a booth and a talk at the “Techincal day : Analysis, Measure and Control of Ceramics” organized in Limoges the 28th of November 2023.
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