+33 (0)7 87 87 27 79 contact@science-saved.com
Very pleased to be hosting the “CAROTS” (www.carots.eu) network today at ESRF – The European Synchrotron and ILL – Institut Laue Langevin. The project is building a network of intermediaires, like NOVITOM, XPLORAYTION GmbH and SARomics Biostructures AB which help bridge between our amazing Large-Scale European Research Infrastructures and industry, supporting industrial R&D using the exceptional properties of these infrastructures.
EU_RIs synchrotrons Xrays neutrons
Bernhard Hesse
Jakob Øster
Jacob Becker-Christensen
Selma K.
Solveig Hvidtfeldt
Uwe Sassenberg
Nikolaj Zangenberg
Grethe Jensen
Barbara Fayard
Caroline Boudou
Sophie Bouat
Derek Logan
Thomas Schumann




2nd Head of Business Development at ESRF (The European Synchrotron)