EARIV – European Analytical Research Infrastructure Village
On 22nd September 2020 the project reached a significant milestone: On the signing of a Letter of Intent the European network ‘Mediators connecting Industry to X-rays and Neutrons’ came officially into being. The network aims to support its members in several ways:
1. Speak with one voice towards facilities and political stakeholders in order to increase visibility and awareness of value creation by mediators
2. Reach new customers and collaborate on improved customer service by activating the complementary competences in the network
3. Advocate for easier non-academic access and use of facilities
Who can become a member? All entities providing commercial analytical services and interacting with synchrotrons or neutron facilities.
Among the founding members are the following institutions:
Anna Stenstam, CR Competence AB
Nikolaj Zangenberg, Grethe Vestergaard Jensen, Danish Technological Institute – DMRI
Fabia Gozzo, Excelsus Structural Solutions (Swiss) AG
Simon Jacques, FINDEN LTD
Barbara Fayard, NOVITOM
Tomas Lundqvist, RISE Research Institutes of Sweden
Derek Logan, SARomics Biostructures AB
Sophie Bouat, Science-SAVED (France)
Mårten Edwards, Robert Moberg, Uppsala Synchrotronix AB
Bernhard Hesse, XPLORAYTION GmbH